Monday, June 05, 2006

Profound First Post Title Goes Here

The point of this blog is simply to aggregate a bunch of the stuff I write online (i.e. Dem Apples, Essembly, Campus Progress, Daily Kos, TPMCafe, etc.) in one easily accessible page. And then some. Most likely on how the constant gaze of the campus squirrels is a metaphor for blog reading. I was going to use my Xanga for this purpose, but just saying that word "Xanga" conjures up images of high school angst. So the Xanga is dead. Maybe. Probably.

I'm not going to cross-post existing material onto this page, mostly because I'm lazy, so if you have some burning desire to see existing material, log onto those sites and search for stuff. The links above go straight to my diary/profile/etc. If for some reason, stuff doesn't show up, Google it.

Anyhow, this is a pretty boring first post. I understand that they're supposed to be bold and profound or something, but generally, if I say anything profound, it's the 5th, 6th, or 27th thing in that I say. I mean, my first words were probably babyspeak for "My butt is itchy; please change my diapers."

NB: My username for some of those sites was ACDC. This is before I realized that AC/DC was the name of a rock band from Australia. And no, I don't like their music. So I suppose I won't be using that username again.

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